General Provision / Seafood Wholesaler

Our Services

Onshore to general provision & seafood wholesaler

Lee Supplier started business with roots in commercial fishing. As an independent operator, we fished and marketed our catch both domestically and internationally.

Commercial Fishing

We are providing the local community/market daily supplies of fresh seafood. We have a short turnover time for our fishing vessels to allow for optimal freshness in our locally sourced products. We have been delivering fresh and frozen seafood in the area for many years and have earned a positive reputation for the quality of our seafood from our customers

Chilled and Frozen food Specialist

We import and export frozen products ranging from vegetables to frozen poultry & seafood. We deliver them in our specialized refrigerated vehicles. Ensuring reliable freshness all day, every day.


We have a large selection of products in our inventory. By purchasing in bulk, we were able to pass the savings on to our customers. We’ve become one of the area’s best wholesalers.

Lee Supplier PLT (LLP0037572-LGN) is one of the leading ship chandler and provision supplier in Malaysia. We have wide range of fresh, frozen, and dry provisions. In addition to food provision, we also supply cabin store, bonded store, chemical and containers.

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